Ellalong Public School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 4998 1360


Parent App

School Bytes

The School Bytes Parent app is designed to keep parents informed and engaged with all the latest updates from our school. We encourage all parents to download the app for instant notifications and access to important school information.

Why the Schoolbytes app?

  • Instant Notifications:  Receive real-time alerts about school events, notices, and updates on your mobile device.
  • Easy Access:  Quickly access newsletters, and announcements, notify absences, give permissions and make payments.
  • Translation Feature:  The app includes a translation feature, allowing you to change the app's language to your preferred one, ensuring you receive information in the lanuguage you are most comfortable with.

How to get started

  1. Download the app: Visit the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Schoolbytes for Parents

  2. Install and open: Once downloaded, install the app and open it on your mobile device.

  3. Search for our school: Enter your details to register for the Parent Portal

  4. Enable notifications: Allow notifications to stay updated with all the latest news and events.

    "How to guide" to set up your School Bytes account

Canteen and Uniform Payments

Orders and payments for our canteen and school uniform are made via the Spriggy Schools App.

Download via The Appe Store or Google Play Store and search for Spriggy Schools